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We all grew up in a society where men were groomed to act strong, suppress emotions and never display any sign of weakness or emotion. See a Man crying? (Conclusion: that man must be a woman) Result: Most male folks grow up as sadist, wicked, devoid of human sympathy/ emotion and of course wife-beaters. I remember being present at an office this year where this Secretary (a guy) received a sad call that he had just lost his mother, while sobbing some of the men present, told him that he was a man and that he shouldn’t cry. Some other male folks grew up with this ability to suppress and bottle up emotion not minding the health and mental implications. This week we read of a man who committed suicide somewhere at Maryland, Lagos as result of being owed salaries. Forget what the President’s spokesmen (under the influence of free budgeted meals and allowance) would have us believe, the economy is in deep mess. With the societal expectations/pressure that men are the providers/breadwinners; the inability to play this role has taking a huge toll on most men. But suicide shouldn’t have been the way out. Wasn’t there someone or a platform he could have spoken with or reached out to, even if he didn’t get financial support, might have given him moral support to continue pushing on with life? Why are men so tailored to believe that they are this gifted gender that have been biologically wired not to require psychological help? Discussing issues is one of the reasons I admire the females. Whether through religious leaders, friends, online platforms the likes of Amara Van lee, Sabi news, Davina, Motherhood-in-Styles, most women have these outlets where they discuss and weather certain life’ storm. However what do men discuss: football, politics, and women. It is high time men learnt to discuss bothering issues; it doesn’t make you weak. As a man help/encourage a fellow man today, who knows you might be giving someone a reason to live; if you don’t have one yet, find a man or just any particular individual irrespective of their gender with whom you can share your burden with. We should not forget the saying that no man is an island to himself.

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