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Inspiring! Parents adopt baby with no limbs, share their touching story (photos)

Two parents in Utah, US, first saw the picture of a six-month-old Filipino baby, Maria, about two years ago and immediately knew that they wanted to adopt her. However, there was just one significant consideration they had to apply their minds to—Maria was born without arms or legs.
However, Maria's glowing face was enough to convince Jason and Adrienne Stewart that they needed to adopt her from the orphanage in Philippines where she was being cared for. In a touching Facebook post, the adoptive mother, Adrienne, expressed their initial trepidation: "When we found our daughter, we did not think that we were qualified or prepared enough to parent a child like her, a child born without arms and legs, but we knew that we could love her and that loving her was what mattered most."
Jason and Adrienne already had three children, including another child adopted from the Philippines. However, they felt they needed another one and Maria was their choice. Adrienne said they were apprehensive at first and did not know what to expect, but in the end, they managed to complete the adoption through Hand in Hand, an adoption agency, and everything turned out well. Jason and Adrienne describe Maria as "very loving" and independent, adding that she insists on learning to do things on her own. This includes feeding, and the couple had to procure a self-feeder so that little Maria could feed herself. The couple received help from various medical experts, including a dentist who made a specialized mouthpiece for Maria that enables her to write or use a computer. Maria also receives speech and other lessons like any other child.
The adoptive father, Jason, said Maria may be able to use arm prosthetics as she grows older. However, leg prosthetics will not be possible in her case because she does not have bones where they can be attached. The couple said Maria has blended perfectly into their family and her older siblings have learnt how to play with her. They are even looking to adopt another baby from the Philippines.

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