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Sturgeon says she's willing to meet Trump

World Breaking News Sturgeon says she's willing to meet Trump By SWIZNATION, Press AssociationPress Association Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says Donald Trump's ownership of golf resorts in Scotland won't stop her from standing up to the US president. She told the Press Association she would be willing to meet the billionaire tycoon who she has strongly criticised. Trump has often celebrated his Scottish ancestry, as his mother came from the Western Isles. Sturgeon, however, revoked his status as business ambassador for Scotland after he proposed banning Muslims from entering the US in 2015. In an interview with the Associated Press on Wednesday, she said: "The fact that Donald Trump owns golf courses in Scotland does not mean that if I disagree with him on a matter of policy or a matter of principle that I will not say that. "But I would seek to operate in a way that is respectful and constructive." During a tour of the US in which she has not met the president's team, she said that she does not object to the golf courses in Ayshire and Aberdeenshire owned by the Trump Corporation and welcomes the US investment they bring. Sturgeon said she fully expected Trump to visit Scotland and that she was "not going to decline to meet him".

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