Wednesday, March 19 2025

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Gunjan is upset and Seema comes with a pooja platter and says that she will welcome her nicely since she couldn’t send her off properly and says that their is no other daughter-in-law that has done such a good deed like Gunjan did and that Gunjan is one in a million and only lucky people get daughter-in-law’s like her. She does the aarti on Gunjan and hugs her. She then tells Gunjan that she has to continue her responsibilities in the kitchen and all laugh. She takes Gunjan in and starts feeling dizzy. Shail says that she has been telling her to eat. Gunjan is surprised that she hasn’t eaten and Rachna says that she took an oath not to eat till Gunjan returned. Gunjan says so many days she didn’t eat or drink because of her. Prabhu says she fainted twice and is still stubborn and that Gunjan is lucky as she never even did this for him. Prabhu tells Mayank to take Seema to her room and Gunjan phones the doctor. The doctor arrives and Shail says she will make something but Gunjan offers to make it. Shail tells Seema to start eating since Gunjan has returned and stop fasting. Gunjan starts giving her to eat and Seema says not to ask her why she did all this and it's her faith. Gunjan scolds her for not eating and taking her medications properly. Shail says she did it cause she cared for Gunjan and tell her to stop scolding Seema. Gunjan says she knows that she’s not suppose to scold her mother-in-law but she doesn’t accept her as one. Mayank asks Gunjan what is she saying and she says that she should have done this long time ago but couldn’t give anyone the place of her mother. Gunjan says that Shail and Seema has given her so much of love. She asks Seema if she can call her mother. Seema and everyone else are happy.
Everybody at Dayal house pleasantly welcomes Gunjan. Gunjan asks Seema to give her the right to call her mother. Everyone get emotional and happy. Seema gets flashes of Gunjan talk about her own mother. Gunjan asks Shail to say something. Shail replies that she is always their daugther and no need to say specially. And teases her like, ask her mother in-law, that how she wants to be called , Mother in-law or mother. Gunjan says about her brilliant idea M, Douoble M and Tripe M. Gunjan answers she is having many mothers here. Single M is for her own mother, Double M is for Shail, and Triple M is for Seema. Everyone is happy. Seema is so excited and happy and emotional too and accepts Gunjan as her daughter. Both talk about Mother and Daughter rights and both of them hug. Mayank and Rachna also join in the hug. Shail remebers about Gunjan own mother and says how she is happy now in her in-laws home and not to worry about Gunjan.
Seema is in her room laughing alone. Prabhu comes in and asks the reason for her happiness and gives tablet to Seema. Calling bell buzz.. Prabhu goes to check. The neighbours ladies come to see Seema. All ask about her health. One lady asks, why she spoil her health for Gunjan and treat her only as daughter in-law. Seema replies that she has got the right of Mother with happy tone and denies the words of the ladies and talks to Gunjan favourable and praises her very proudly. The ladies try to spoil Seema brain like, daughter in-law can never be a daughter. Seema pauses still and supports Gunjan. Gunjan overhears the neighbours telling her mother-in-law to be strict with her while passing the room and she feels very happy for Seema words. Mayank comes there pulls Gunjan ear why she is overhearing Seema words. Mayank conveys his happiness by thanking Gunjan that she made everyone happy. Gunjan says the credit goes to Seema. Mayank asks not to avoid him. Gunjan runs from there saying she is ignoring him.
Rachana picks the landline call. The Principal from other side informs the news that they have planned to make some award function for Gunjan. Rachna shouts and calls everyone to come there and declares that Gunjan is going to be awarded by her college for her bravery act. Everyone feel very happy but smile disappears on Seema face and worried about Gunjan remembering about Shalini Pandey as if she may does something after getting out of jail. Shail says not to worry about anything and assures her that they will all go along with Gunjan. All support it. Rachna comes in with sweets and feeds everyone. Seema too agrees that no one can hurt Gunjan.
Rachna observes a car outside the gate. She gets doubt about the car. Gunjan comes to Rachna and asks what is she doing here and what will she wear for tomorrow function. Seema eyeing them happily and says to herself that she knows what to wear. Seema takes out a saree and shows it to Sangeeta that she has selected it for Gunjan and she will wear that only for the function. Later Rachna and Gunjan are checking for dress models in computer. Gunjan selects a dress to wear, meantime Seema enters with saree. Gunjan says so excitedly about how she was desperate to wear that dress and asks about the packet in Seema’s hand. Seema is a little disappointed still she did not show it on her face. Seema is about to say that the saree was for Gunjan, but Gunjan interrupts and asks is this saree Seema going to wear tomorrow. Rachna and Gunjan get engaged in ordering new dress.
The landline buzzes and Rachna picks the call. Rachna wonders as other side was silent and notices the car which she has seen in the morning. Rachna goes to check and asks a person who was standing near the car. He denies simply saying that vehicle doesn’t belong to him.
Seema and Sangeeta in the kitchen and discuss about Gunjan’s dress topic. Seema says she doesn’t want to force Gunjan what to wear and as she can't handle saree, let her wear what she likes. Sangeeta tries a lot to convince Seema about what Gunjan will wear. Seema lost in thoughts.
Gunjan applying face pack while Mayank enters and teasing her she is looking so sexy than before and makes fun of her. Seema suddenly enters the room. Gunjan feel shy and covers her face with her hands. Seema assures her she will not get scared for seeing her face pack and asks to tell her if any work is left for tomorrow. Gunjan says the dress color suits on her very much. Mayank too supports Gunjan dress. Seema is speechless and leaves the room disappointed without saying anything and asks them to sleep early. Rachna peeps out of the window and realizes the car is still at the same place. Shail comes in Rachna’s room and asks what she is thinking. Shail asks which dress she is ogoing to wear. Rachna says everythng is ready and then raises doubt about the black car parked out of her room. Shail goes near the window and is surprised to find no car there. Rachna comes there and is shocked. Shail leaves the room saying some guest might have come to anybody’s house and they might have left now. Rachna lost in thoughts about the car.
Seema feels elated on seeing Gunjan wearing the Saari gifted by her. Everybody gets over-whelmed on listening to Gunjan's award acceptance speech. Rachna wonders whose car has been parked in front of her house since last two days. She Doubts it to be Vihaan's

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