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Deplorable! Zsa Zsa's Husband Trying To PROCREATE!

Okay, seriously: what on EFFING earth?! This guy literally has no boundaries. Despite the fact that poor Zsa Zsa Gabor has been through all sorts of medical hardships as of late, her bizarre, famewhoring husband Prinz von Anhalt apparently wants to PROCREATE, and claims to have given a sperm deposit at a Beverly Hills clinic so he and his ailing wife can procreate - with the help of a surrogate mother! He explains: "It was always my wife's dream for us to have a child … and even though we won't be using any of her eggs, she would be thrilled to know I'm going through with this. I am so excited!! I hope Zsa Zsa is going to hang around for awhile. I want her to see and hold the baby's hand. She will be a mother again at 95!! It was her wish to have a boy." And what does he think he's going to do with the baby once he can't get any more press off of this?! We really have nothing to say about this, other than express our pure disgust. So wrong, exploitive, and just unfair to do to a woman as sick as she is. If anyone should be sterile, it's him. Ugh.

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