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Awful! Boy Sells His Kidney On The Black Market For An iPad!

We know iPads are pretty in demand, but THIS?! What on Earth is wrong with this world?! A 17-year-old boy from China reportedly sold one of his kidneys for about $3,200 in order to pay for the Apple product! Only identified by his last name, Zheng, the boy apparently contacted an ad on-line offering cash for potential organ donors, but after suffering complications from the surgery, he told his mother what happened, and she notified the authorities! He said: "I wanted to buy an iPad 2, but I didn't have the money. When I surfed the internet I found an advert posted online by agent saying they were able to pay RMB20,000 (£2,000) to buy a kidney." His mother then told the police: "When he came back, he had a laptop and a new Apple handset. I wanted to know how he had got so much money and he finally confessed that he had sold one of his kidneys." The hospital in which the surgery took place admitted to renting out space to a private businessman, but have denied any knowledge of the surgery. Oh, that's comforting! How on Earth could something this heinous be happening under so many people's noses?! Absolutely deplorable! Sickening! We sincerely hope that not only does this young man realize how foolish and potentially life-threatening his actions have been, but that he doesn't have any more serious complications from the surgery. Furthermore, may this raise people's awareness to these kind of goings-on, so these kind of back-alley surgeries can be prevented in the future! So scary.

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