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Kerosene explosion burns nursing mother of 7-month-old baby in Delta (photo)

A domestic accident has left a woman, Mrs Paulina from the middle belt reeling in abject pains from serious fire burns which was reported to be from Kerosene. According to the man who shared the pictures on Facebook, Itolddem Jacob Daghware, he posted them saying: “Kerosene Explosion Burns Nursing Mother Of 7 In Delta (Graphic Photos):
According to reports, Mrs Paulina,a lady from Ughelli, Delta state pictured below was burnt by kerosene explosion. Reports say that kerosene exploded while she was trying to 'light' her stove to prepare food. The victim,a nursing mother of 7month old baby can no longer breastfeed her baby as the explosion burnt her breasts and private part. She was rushed to a hospital in Oghara where she was rejected due to lack of bed. After being to several hospitals which rejected her, New Jesus Heal Clinic Sapele accepted and commenced her treatment.”

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