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Girl Finds Father's Cocaine Hidden In Candy Package While Presenting It For Show-And-Tell!

Well isn't this just lovely? A man in Newhaven, England was recently arrested on suspicions of drug dealing after his 10-year-old daughter brought a pack of gummy candies called Haribo Starmix to school with her for show-and-tell, and found a baggie of cocaine hidden inside! Thankfully, her teacher apprehended the substance, and when police were called to raid the father's home, they found found enough drugs to warrant suspicions of intent to sell! The girl has since been moved to live with her mother, and is being monitored by social workers. A source at the school explains: "The girl is naive and innocent and had absolutely no idea the wrapper contained drugs. The wrap was never opened so no child took the drug or came into contact with it." Unbelievable. It's bad enough to think that there are children exposed to that kind of stuff from their parents, but to HIDE DRUGS in candy wrappers?! He might as well have been spoon-feeding her it! Absolutely deplorable! We sincerely hope that this poor girl is okay, and doesn't have to exposed to anything like this for the rest of her childhood. Sometimes, this world can be a sad, sad place. Ugh.

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