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How Does The Average Nigerian Survive Without Electricity?

Over 621,000,000, yes MILLION, Africans do not have access to electricity! In Nigeria that figure stands at 93,000,000! That’s right! 93 million people in 21st century Nigeria are living without electricity! So BattaBox teamed up with the Africa Progress Panel, an advocate for equitable and sustainable development for Africa, to find out what life is like for the average Nigerian. Here are some of their informative answers… “When was the last time you had electricity in your area?” “Two three weeks” “Almost six months.” “The heat is too much…my health. When the heat is too much I vomit.” “We don’t have water.” “It has distabilized our business.” WOW!! How are YOU coping in Nigeria? Do you have basic necessities…food, electricity, water….?

1 comment:

  1. wisdom keep it up one day you go make am well go buy gen


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