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Purabh arrives at Bulbul's house with vegetables and says he went for jogging and saw fresh vegetables. He thought to buy for her as she likes it. Sarla refuses to believe Purabh as he informs her that he had come to give her the vegetables and tells him that she fully understand and calls Bulbul saying that Purabh has come to meet her. Then, Bulbul comes out and asks him as to what gift he bring for her. Later, she asks him to remember about the special day but he fails to do so and instead Purabh wish her happy birthday, and asks what day is today. Bulbul gets upset with him when he fails to remember the importance of the date and says her birthday is on February, and thst today is their love anniversary. They have proposed each other on this day. Purabh pretends to remember and says he was just testing her. Bulbul asks him to go to hell. Abhi tries to snatch the keys from Pragya’s nightie pocket while she is asleep but he wakes up Pragya and she asks what was he doing? Abhi says nothing. Pragya asks if he was trying to take advantage of her. Abhi says he want his key and asks her to sleep after giving him the keys. Pragya sees Purabh’s 10 missed calls and thinks he might want to talk to her about something important.

Sarla is happy seeing the fresh veggies and asks Purabh what happened? Purabh says her daughter is impossible. Jhanki asks him to marry Bulbul soon. Bulbul is still angry. Sarla asks her to bring her clothes from tailor. Jhanki says she can’t go to two places and asks her to send Bulbul instead. Purabh asks Sarla to go and collect the clothes, and he will be with Bulbul. He asks her to open the door and he is pleased as he manages to get Sarla and others out of the house and wonders why Pragya didn’t come till now. He calls Pragya and asks her to come to the house fast. Purabh asks Bulbul to open the door that Pragya is here. Bulbul asks him not to lie. Pragya asks her to open the door. Hearing Pragya's voice, Bulbul comes out of her room and is surprised to see her sister home. Bulbul and Purabh argue. Pragya asks her to forgive Purabh. Just as the trio start to discuss their matter, Sarla reaches home and asks to open the door. Purabh opens the door. Sarla says she forgot to take the money and Pragya is forced to hide. Bulbul tells her mother that she has given money to Purabh as he needed it. Purabh gives her money. Bulbul says she is hungry and want food after she comes back. Sarla says she will make it now. Purabh and Bulbul send her to the tailor’s shop. Pragya says she will leave and asks them not to fight.

Tanu asks Abhi, if he got Pragya’s signatures on the papers. Abhi informs Tanu that Pragya has hidden the signed documents in the cupboard. Tanu gets happy and tries to open the cupboard in order to get the documents out. Abhi says it is saved in the locker and asks her to hold on her breathe, as he is not having drawer keys. He says Pragya is having the keys. Abhi says what could he do? Tanu says she can’t take the risk and she will break the locker. Abhi says he will bring something to break the drawer’s lock. Tanu thinks Pragya’s story will end if she manages to open the drawer. Ronnie comes calling Pragya and enters her room. He asks Tanu if she is stealing something. Tanu says she is trying to take out something which belongs to Abhi. Abhi comes there. Ronnie shares his doubt with Abhi and suggest him to wait till Pragya comes back.

Pragya comes home. Abhi asks her about the keys. Pragya says she don’t know. She might have kept it somewhere and it is not a jewellery. Abhi says it is more precious than her jewellery. He asks her to tell him. Pragya says she don’t remember.

Purabh takes Bulbul to a restaurant. Bulbul asks him to remember the important dates of their love life. She asks him to love her and says she will fight with him. Purabh suggests they start with a kiss. Aaliya and Tanu come there. Tanu suggests to spoil their date. Aaliya says her mood will be off. Tanu asks if she didn’t make food at home. Bulbul says there is no love life for both of them and says she can understand their frustration. She adds that she is celebrating their love anniversary, and tells that they both know anything about it. She gets Pragya’s call and goes to attend it.

Abhi tries searching for the keys and thinks he has to sleep before lady hunter comes back. He thinks Pragya can get the keys while cleaning the room. Pragya comes. Abhi pretends to be sleeping. Pragya thinks he is sleeping after messing the room. She cleans the room. Abhi says it is good that she is cleaning the room, and thinks to sleep. Pragya also rests on her bed.

Bulbul comes back and asks Purabh to leave her alone for sometime. Purabh asks what happened? Bulbul says she is getting strange feeling that something wrong is going to happen, and she is feeling in secured She says they will marry and then no problem will come. Purabh says they will come once their motive is successful, and Abhi and Pragya unites. Bulbul says they would do court marriage and they will not let anyone know. She says she will have surity that he will be his. She says she feel like someone is snatching him from him. Purabh says no one can come between them, just then someone hits him on his head. Bulbul looks at the reflection of the person who hit on Purabh’s head.

Bulbul asks who is there? Aaliya comes in front of her and Bulbul get shocked on realizing that Aaliya is the real culprit. Then, Aaliya warns her that she will kill her and takes out the knife. Pragya comes out of the dream and get worried thinking why did she get such dream. Later, she leaves to check if Aaliya is in the house or not. Tanu asks Aaliya why she was getting effected. Aaliya says she still loves Purabh, but couldn’t express her love because of the family. Tanu says she thought that she have forgotten him. Aaliya says she love him very much even now, and she have subside this matter now, and concentrated on Abhi. She lost her temper when she saw them celebrating their love anniversary and she will do something to Bulbul, and will see Purabh later. Pragya overhears Aaliya discussing her hidden love for Purabh and gets tensed and thinks she has to meet Purabh and Bulbul itself.

Next day, Abhi and his family get together at the dining table. Tanu too join them for breakfast and sees many dishes. She says she think Pragya is not at home. Just then Pragya comes home. Abhi asks where did she go early in the morning. Pragya says there was some important work and calls Purabh and Bulbul inside. Purab and Bulbul enter the house, now married holding the garlands. Pragya says they are married now. Bulbul says they got married in the temple. Abhi gets furious with the duo for getting married without any announcement and asks who gave them permission to marry. Pragya says she got them married. Abhi asks how can they marry on her sayings, and asks if she have gone mad? He takes Purabh aside and asks if she threaten him to marry Bulbul as he don’t do anything without informing him. Pragya asks him to ask Purabh himself. Daadi takes Pragya inside. Tanu decides to call Aaliya and inform her.

Abhi asks Purabh what is his helplessness to marry in a hurry? He asks if he is with Pragya and taking his side as per her plan. Daadi asks Pragya if she really got Purabh and Bulbul married, or are acting. Pragya says they are really married now. Daadi says she might have forced them to marry. Purabh says he is doubting him. Abhi says he would have told him before, and says Pragya has taken his advantage to make him feel let down. Purabh makes an excuse and tell Abhi that he have done this marriage for him and had to married for his company's sake as she has decided to appoint him as a manager. He has also applied for the post, but Pragya said that the manager should be a married man. He says he got stressful and married Bulbul to get the job. He told Pragya to come to the temple and he will marry Bulbul. Abhi says she said that she got them both married. Purabh says they told her to says that.

A flashback is shown, Pragya meets Purabh and Bulbul and tells them that Aaliya still loves Purabh. She tells them that she heard Aaliya speaking to Tanu and saw a very bad dream too. Bulbul says they will be alert and will stay away from her. Pragya says they have to do something. Purabh says Aaliya is pretending to be nice and they are unable to expose her. Pragya says there is only one way and asks them to marry so that Aaliya accepts her defeat. Purabh says how can they marry without Sarla, Daadi and Abhi, but Pragya convinces them. Purabh and Bulbul gets married. Daadi tells her that Aaliya was quite since many days. Pragya explains to Daadi the reason her decision to get Purabh and Bulbul married as she heard Aaliya’s conversation with Tanu and may be Aaliya would take a wrong step and do any mistake. Daadi says she is right and asks Bulbul to be alert. Bulbul says she got the strength to fight for her marriage. Pragya says it is kumkum’s strength. Daadi is worries if Abhi will agree. Pragya says Purabh will convince him. Abhi comes there. Daadi asks why did they betray them. Abhi says he will not forgive his friend and ex sister in-law and later says he is very happy with her marriage. It was his responsibility to get her married, and Pragya snatched that right from him. He asks them to take Daadi’s blessings. Daadi blesses them. Pragya smiles. Abhi says they are taking Daadi’s blessing and not hers.

Abhi says he was sure that there is no God, and argues with Pragya at a restaurant. Pragya says she will not waste her money for his wishes. Abhi says so she got them married to save money. SRK and Kajol come there, Abhi and Pragya are surprised when Kajol and SRK sit alongside them. Pragya says she have fulfilled his responsibility. They argue. Abhi says he will perform, dance and will do their marriage grandly. Pragya says it would have remain a dream only. Abhi says there is no solution now. Dilwale cast ask him to listen to his heart and throw grand reception for his friends. Kajol asks him to fulfill all his wishes in the reception. Abhi likes the idea. Pragya refuses to give the money.

Aaliya reaches home unaware of the surprise that await her and thinks nobody ask her tea/coffee etc. Tanu search for Aaliya in order to inform her about Purabh and Bulbul’s marriage. She notices Bulbul's sitting in the hall and goes to her. Meanwhile, Mitali comes to Aaliya and tells her that there is a good news for her and asks her to go to Abhi's room saying that she has a surprise. Aaliya thinks if Tanu does any mistake. She goes towards the room. On the other hand, Bulbul asks Purabh if Abhi had suspected him and what he said to him. Purabh tells Bulbul that he has convinced Abhi with his acting. Pragya says if Abhi gets angry then she will have to bear his anger. Abhi comes there and says she did the rituals and after that……Aaliya comes there and says Mitali told her about the surprise, and asks what is that surprise? Bulbul shows off her mangalsultra. Aaliya is shocked when she learns that Purabh and Bulbul have been married. Aaliya says they both got married, and suddenly acts normal that she wanted to throw a big party for them and says marriage is not a joke.

She asks Purabh to tell that they are joking. Purabh says they are married. Aaliya says this is not done.

Abhi says Purabh is her friend, and haven’t told her before marrying and that Pragya is behind their marriage. Tanu says she should wish them. Purabh says he think they should go to their house. Abhi refuses to let them go. Purabh asks him to give space. Abhi says he won’t let him go. He calls address Bulbul as sister in-law. Bulbul asks him not to pull her leg and says nobody can come between them. Abhi says they will have party here until he is satisfied. Bulbul asks where will they sleep then. Abhi asks them to take any room and asks Pragya to decorate the room. Pragya says she got the terrace room decorated. Abhi says there is full privacy there. Aaliya is later shows that she is completely shaken by this development and breaks things in her room. Tanu asks what is she doing and tries to stop her.
Bulbul asks gift from Abhi. Abhi says she didn’t inform him before marriage, so have to wait for the gift. Bulbul and Purabh insists on Abhi giving them a gift and that he just make a call and the gifts will keep flowing. Abhi says he doesn’t have even 100 Rs and asks them to turn faces as he is going to torture Pragya. Abhi requests Pragya to give him money and says he is even ready to hold her feet or can beg in front of her to buy them gift. Pragya agrees and says she will cut the money from his Pocket money and asks him to check the decoration in the room. Abhi says there should be perfect romantic setting in the room and takes Purabh with him. Bulbul thanks Pragya. Pragya gives her clothes to Bulbul and says she will buy more. After a while, Bulbul and Pragya realize that they have not informed their mother of this marriage. Bulbul gets tensed thinking about her mother’s reaction. Pragya asks her not to worry that she will make their mother understand

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