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Meanwhile, a drunk Roshni still loses control and starts uttering senseless words that she miss him. While Neil tries to console her, he leave Roshni to get water for her and at the same time, Siddharth meets Roshni. Roshni tells Siddharth that he have come. She apologizes to Siddharth that she did a mistake and have realized it. She tells him that she was wrong and he was right and asks him not to go anywhere. She miss him. Siddharth says he missed her too and will not go anywhere. Roshni hugs him. Neil brings water. Siddharth sees him coming and hides. Neil asks Roshni to drink the water. She refuses but he insists. Roshni thanks him. Mithul applies ointment on Ranjeeth’s wounds. Ranjeet says he will beat that man once he get him.

The next morning, Siddharth, Roshni and Neil come home. Naina asks didn’t they sleep all night. Mithul says even Siddharth seems to be awake all night. Siddharth says her eyes are wise. Ranjeeth looks at Siddharth’s hands and tells Mithul that he was son in-law who had beaten him the other day. Mithul tells Ranjeeth that Siddharth got hurt when Roshni is hurt, and asks him to use his mind. She have a plan to take revenge. Siddharth thinks Roshni’s feelings are out now and thinks he should talk to her. Anya asks where was he last night? Siddharth says he was in the office, near her. Anya asks how silly, if her brother have seen him. She says Arav might take time to get well and they should continue this act more for some time.

Simran talks to Naina and says she would show Anya’s kundli to the priest. Naina goes to bring it, Simran checks on the sofa and couldn’t get the report. Mama catches her and mistaken her to be thief. She shouts. Naina says he has misunderstand her and goes to bring water. Simran gets worried and thinks if anyone else see that report that it will be bad. Siddharth asks Anya to sit and shares his plan with her. Anya asks Roshni to come with her as someone came for the magazine designs. Neil is also coming with her, but Anya asks him to sit and check the mail. Ranjeeth gives a pen drive to someone and asks him to do something. Mithul and Ranjeeth give him money. He takes it and says he knows what to do. Later Roshni comes to the place as told by Anya and sees Siddharth. A romantic song Mujhe tumse pyaar hai plays as they look in each other eyes. Neil comes there and calls Ragini. Both are shocked.

Siddharth meets Roshni at a place where Roshni's photographs are placed along the walkway. Just before Siddharth and Roshni could speak, Neil starts calling for Roshni. Siddharth leaves the place before Neil could spot them. Neil meets Roshni and tells that he wanted to say something important to her and this is the right place to say it. Neil gives Roshni a card and asks her to be at the particular place after the office.

Neil bring Ragini to a beautifully decorated place. Ragini asks if he has done this arrangement for her. Neil says he wanted to make her smile and celebrate their engagement. He asks if she is happy? Ragini says yes, of coarse. The waiter brings a cake. Neil asks her to cut it. Ragini says he is very unlikely. Neil replies that he know, he is full of surprises. Ragini cuts the cake and finds a key inside. Neil says it is a gift for her. Ragini asks what is it? Neil says he brought a beautiful home for her in Colaba. Ragini asks what was the need? Neil says once she told him that she missed the place and they will stay there after marriage. Ragini gets emotional. Neil says he hope she like it, and all that matters.

Siddharth and Anya are in the car. Anya asks him to cheer up and says Arav will be fine too. Roshni asks Neil if he will eat non veg? Neil says why can’t he when she can change so much for him. He tells about his engagement which was broken with Ria and asks Ragini about her husband. Ragini is shocked and emotional. Neil changes the topic seeing her emotional. Roshni thinks she is not doing right with Neil and recalls Siddharth’s words. Anya and Siddharth have pani puri at road side stall. Siddharth makes her have it and recalls making Roshni having pani puri. Anya says it is very tasty. Siddharth comes to Naina’s house and sees Ragini. He tells her that he wants to tell her something. Mithul opens the door. They see the news about Ragini, Ceo of Mauve, and is a drug addict too. The reporter says Ragini came closer to Neil and they came to know about this information through Khurana company.

Neil mistaken Siddharth and slaps him. He mistaken him and blames for ruining Ragini’s image. Siddharth says he didn’t do anything. Roshni asks Neil what is he saying? Neil says it is said clearly on TV. Roshni says Siddharth can never harm her. Neil asks why not? He says Siddharth is creating troubles for them. Roshni says she knew it and she don’t want to give explanation. Neil says the truth will come out eventually. Naina says Siddharth is their son in-law and why will he do this. Neil says the truth will come. Roshni keeps warm pouch on Siddharth’s wound. She thinks she want to tell him something. Siddharth thinks he want to hear her.
Ranjeeth tells Mithul that he has taken revenge on Siddharth and got him beaten by Neil. Ranjeeth is confident that her brother will drive Ragini Desai out of the company and soon he will be taking over the company himself. However, Neil addresses to the press and tells them about Ragini sincerity. He also makes an announcement to the media and reveals that Ragini will not only be his life partner, but she will now be his partner in his mauve company. Everyone claps. Neil says the people who are spreading rumours should know that Ragini has made his life beautiful and happening. He adds that it is not easy to break mauve, and challenge to attack them from front. Siddharth looks on. Neil thanks everyone. The announcement infuriates Mithul and her son and she tells that Ragini has done black magic on Neil. Naina asks what happened? Mithul says Neil doesn’t think about Ranjeeth and have made Ragini as his business partner but Neil reaches there and explains to them why Ragini is fit to be his partner and that she works for mauve as if it is her own company unlike some people, taunting at Ranjeeth. Neil then asks Ragini to sign on the papers and says he has board meeting tomorrow. Ragini says she don’t have those papers right now. Neil asks her to arrange for all her documents and this worries Rahini. Ragini calls Kesar and asks him to meet her in hotel. Mithul hears her.

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